5 Money Superstitions We Keep Believing

3 min read money habits Nov 05, 2020

Even though only 13% of the American population define themselves as superstitious, 35% will act superstitiously if a chance presents itself, like picking up a penny from the ground for good luck. (Source: MSN)

I feel like no matter your culture, background or upbringing, there are always money beliefs, or old wives tales about money, that we hear about and carry with us. 

1. Find a penny, pick it up, all day long you’ll have good luck (but only if it’s heads up!)

You may...

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Money is Emotional: The 4 Money Personalities

3 min read money habits Sep 01, 2020

According to RBC Wealth Management, everybody has a “money script” - although I prefer to call it a money personality. Our money personalities are informed by our personal experiences and family circumstances, which affect our mindset around money and how we spend it.

For example, if you grew up in a low-income household, you may carry this scarcity mindset into your adult life and live super frugally. Although, on a different side of the coin, once you come into more money (and...

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