More Wealth for Women

Women’s wealth has been on the rise over the past 50 years. With more than one-third of the world’s wealth under our control, women have become a fierce economic force. 

If you’ve got your hand on the pulse of the financial world, you may have heard some economists and researchers talking more and more in the past few years about something called the Great Wealth Transfer. While it might sound like something that would happen in some distant, far-off future it’s...

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How to Use Target Date Funds to Build Wealth for Retirement

People always say that you should save for retirement. That you’ve got to start amassing funds early on in order to live comfortably post-career. But the question many want to know is exactly HOW to save for retirement. Do you just set up a separate bank account and funnel bits of your paycheck into it over time? Or do you keep your funds in a lockbox labelled “Retirement” under your bed for 50 years and hope for the best? (Okay, probably don’t do that.)

The best way...

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Why Planning for Retirement is a Women’s Issue

Retirement. That bright spot glimmering in the distant future full of the promise of rest, relaxation, and endless days in the Florida sunshine. But retirement is more than just ending a career or deciding which southern state to settle in. Retirement is a whole new financial landscape that we will all have to learn to navigate someday. However, planning for retirement isn’t something that should be kicked too far down the road. From day one of our professional lives we should be...

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5 Money Superstitions We Keep Believing

3 min read money habits Nov 05, 2020

Even though only 13% of the American population define themselves as superstitious, 35% will act superstitiously if a chance presents itself, like picking up a penny from the ground for good luck. (Source: MSN)

I feel like no matter your culture, background or upbringing, there are always money beliefs, or old wives tales about money, that we hear about and carry with us. 

1. Find a penny, pick it up, all day long you’ll have good luck (but only if it’s heads up!)

You may...

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Why We Shouldn’t Take the Right to Vote for Granted

With the elections just around the corner, it got me thinking about equality and the right to vote. We’re all aware that the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution granted American women the right to vote, and when it was passed in August 1920, it ended almost a century of protest, known as women’s suffrage.

But even though this new law passed so that no one would be denied the right to vote on the basis of sex, it was not that simple. Poll taxes, local laws, and other...

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Working Mom Jane Fraser Proves Women in Finance Can Have it All

There’s been some great news about women breaking the glass ceiling, as from 2021, Jane Fraser will take over as Citigroup CEO, becoming the first woman ever to become CEO of a major global bank. This comes after her 16-year tenure at the company, during which she ran its consumer bank, handled the strategy division and recently oversaw the bank's emergency pandemic response.

A Harvard Business Review study revealed that senior positions in venture capital and private equity, women hold...

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Money is Emotional: The 4 Money Personalities

3 min read money habits Sep 01, 2020

According to RBC Wealth Management, everybody has a “money script” - although I prefer to call it a money personality. Our money personalities are informed by our personal experiences and family circumstances, which affect our mindset around money and how we spend it.

For example, if you grew up in a low-income household, you may carry this scarcity mindset into your adult life and live super frugally. Although, on a different side of the coin, once you come into more money (and...

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Real Talk: Women’s Wealth is on the Rise

3 min read women + wealth Aug 20, 2020

I’ll let you in on a not-so-well-kept secret… there’s a transfer of wealth happening. Women are changing the financial narrative and FAST. More and more studies are being conducted where they are showing women coming in on top when it comes to an increase in overall wealth and with financial planning decisions.

But as women, we still don’t seem to be normalizing conversations about money. Why is that?

Our Ideas of Money are Shaped as Children

Maybe it’s lack of...

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